Monday, January 26, 2009

My Mathematical Formula

My Mathematical Formula Review Rating 8/10

A Place Betting System

These days with the place prices of horses being very short we thought we would take a look at Don's system and see how it performed.

This method was first published back in 1929 and has been in use ever since then. The book outlines how you can profit from really short priced selections and outlines a staking plan and selection criteria. It also comes with some excel spread sheet calculators to help with the staking.

Purchasing this product over the internet was simple and we received it quickly after the payment was verified. So no problems on this side of things.

The Introduction is good if you have limited knowledge of keeping records for your betting, but in saying that, it is quite a good reminder if you have lapsed into a complacent attitude and thrown away your note book or forgotten to update your records in the computer. I remember back to a client of mine Chunky Read who I used to break-in and pre-train a few young horses for saying to me one day on the subject of being successful in business, and I quote, I have however left out the colourful adjectives he used when saying this, “to succeed in business you need to keep accurate records of all your transactions”. So really Don's intro to this system is sound advice.

Overall the content is a good insight to some really good rules to actually succeed at making a profit from punting. The other good thing with the explanations is that it covers both American UK and Australian terminology. So this makes it a diverse publication we can all relate to.

The selection criteria also is sound and incorporates many of the rules that are essential in making an assessment of a race along with Don's angle; it is not a bad set of rules. Basically you are rating each horse to ascertain which one will have the best chance of running a place, greatly improving the chance of a return - now basically this is what we all want a return.

Now where this system helps you to make money is with the staking plan, taking these small return dividends and manipulating them to produce quite a handsome profit just using your initial bank.

Another thing included in this system is a section on tracks, it too is a good reminder for you from students to include track bias when making a selection, although I will go as far to say that I would make sure that I made my own assessment of all of the tracks - what with upgrades or track re-alignments that may have been made since this system was published.

Now the staking system, if you study it closely as you should with anything and don’t just jump in boots and all, you will see that what is set out for you really can work and produce great returns from very small dividends, protect your initial capital and sustain losing runs.

Review Findings:
Rating: 8/10
Price: $67.00 US
Content: Commonsense information especially for new punters. Most of this can be found for free if you have days to surf through the thousands of racing sites.

Staking System: Good if you have a very high strike rate with your selections. The first example outlined in this publication is probably the most fesible. I actually found something very similar in a magazine offering staking plans for backing greyhounds.

Spreadsheet calculator: Helps you work out your final return. Quite useful.

Bank Required: We used a $1000 bank and each initial bet was 10% or $100. It was abit of a risk but we pulled it off with our first test on Bet4place selections. We even had a reasonable return from the AFR selections.

I would suggest that you only bet 2% of your initial bank, so if you had $1000 you would only bet $20.

Test Results:This example is for 69 days with 256 horses backed for the place only. Out of the 256 horses 161 ran a place or a bit better than a 68% strike rate. Now remember you can get these tips from for free. May I also add that just bit over 90% of these place getters only paid around the $1.30 to $1.70 mark only 24 horses paid over $2 The highest and that was only 1 paid $ 3.70 Under normal circumstances you would not get much of a profit.

Here’s what happened using the mathematical formula:

I started with a bank of $1000. My stake was $100.

3/5/08 to 16/5/08 Bank $6150

1/6/08 to 30/6/08 Bank $7008.64

1/7/08 to 29/7/08 Bank $9037.69

Profit $8037.69

Finally:This staking system does work but remember you need to have a very high strike rate. You don't need to back just horses, you could incorporate a bet on a greyhound, trotter or even throw in a sporting event.

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